Friday, September 4, 2009

the truth and nothing, but the truth...

Hi Class,

Great job, thus far. I'm really impressed with the artistic thought yous guys have put forth. I can't wait to see the final project!!!

So, for homework for Tuesday. Make sure you read through section or part 7 of the novel.

Also, check out the following two movie clips:

Video 1

Video 2

Relate these to philosophical thought...How do these clips relate? What growth (personal) occurs?

Finally, for our BIG written assessment you will work to create your own philosophy. In at least a half-page (either written or typed) discuss what you stand for. What do you live for, live to be, strive to be...Don't think of this as professionally, but personally...perhaps, however, they are interconnected.

We will be working to create our own written philosophies.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. In the first video he had obviously grown from what he used to be. When he went to jail, he was some sort of criminal that committed some horrible crime, but now, he’s another person. From the video, I can’t tell if the growth occurred from the time he spent in jail or from pure maturity and introspection. However, it doesn’t mean he became a better person because I think he lost part of what he really is. You can see the emptiness within him when he says he doesn’t give a shit if he stays in jail or not. He just doesn’t care anymore. In the second video I think in terms of growth there isn’t much being shown but you can see that he’s getting a bit sick of having his copies living his life for him and so he wants to get away.



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