Sunday, September 27, 2009

Time to put your money where your mouth is...

Aight gang,

This weekend you were to finish the novel Ishmael. And, your rough draft essay is due Thursday. We will work on this a bit in class on Tuesday, but you are expected to complete this outside of class. (minimum 2000 words)

Once again, here are your choices:

1. You are a politician transformed by reading Ishmael. What laws would you enact in order to turn things around (or promote change)?

2. In reading Ishmael, what did you learn: a) about yourself? b) about the world? c) about learning?

3. What do you feel are the most important themes in Ishmael and why?

4. Can we as a culture identify the bars of our prison, or are we too happy in our captivity to care? is our society really a cultural prison?

5. What are the origins of culture and cultural beliefs, especially yours?

6. Since it isn't feasible for current society to go back to hunting and gathering, what can we do?

7. Write a paper entitled: "How We Should Live."

8. Mr. Rutherford has invited YOU (or Ishmael, you choose) to give the commencement address, write it.

9. Write your own philosophy related to one of the five branches of philosophy.

If you have other ideas, holla!!!

Also, find the rubric and paper info on my website

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