Monday, August 31, 2009

is it that, or, is it just what i think it is...

Hi students,

Great job today. We battled the omnipresent metaphysics and put some everlasting hurt on it...I truly applaud your in-class writing thus far - very insightful.

So, as I stated today in class, for Wednesday you should read through part 3 of the novel (page 63). Also, I want you to discuss which of the following thought processes makes most sense to you and why. Which one do you most agree with and why?


If God is all powerful and all good then there would be no evil in the world.
But there is evil in the world.
Therefore God is not all powerful or all good.


If there was an infinite chain of causes of the universe then there would be no universe now.
But there is a universe now.
Therefore there must be a first cause of the universe.


Most organisms in the world act for a purpose.
Most organisms are not aware of acting for a purpose.
There must be a superior being directing their purpose.


The concept of a supreme being is of a being with all perfections.
Existence is a perfection.
The supreme being must exist.

Also, remember to work on your project - due in class Wednesday September 16, 2009...See you Wednesday!!!!

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