Thursday, August 27, 2009

doing you a solid...

Hi class,

Today ends (for our class) a great first week. I know I have thrown some complicated issues/topics/subjects at you, but I'm impressed thus far with your insight and "knowledge"...but, what is knowledge, really?

So, I'm doing you a solid. Below, find 20 comprehension questions covering part one and two of Ishmael. It is expected that you turn these in on Monday August 31 after our Moment of Clarity writing task.

1. What does the advertisement ask for and how does the reader react? How would you react to such an add?

2. Define the following words: earnest, indignant, callow, disillusioned, guru, rudimentary, derelict, menagerie.

3. How does the narrator perceive people to life live or what is the "natural" life like?

4. According to page 5, what does the narrator yearn for?

5. What does the pupil find when he arrives at the advertisement's destination? How does he react?

6. What point does the gorilla's sign WITH MAN GONE, WILL THERE BE HOPE FOR GORILLA mean?

7. In chapter 3 discuss in your own words the two life styles that the gorilla speaks of. Make sense of them (explain them).

8. How does the gorilla react when people speak to him?

9. At the end of chapter 3 the gorilla learns a valuable lesson - you are not how other define you, you are as you define yourself. Do you agree/disagree? Explain.

10. What happens to the gorilla when he buys into what the man tells him?

11. To where does Ishmael travel next?

12. Was this beneficial to him in your opinion?

13. In chapter 5 what becomes Ishmael's new job?

14. At one point in part one the pupil states that, "argument of any sort, on any subject, has always seemed like a waste of time..." Do you agree/disagree and why?

15. In part two,what does elevated knowledge or wisdom do to people, according to Ishmael?

16. Who are the takers and who are the leavers?

17. According to Ishmael, what are maps useless?

18. Why do you think Ishmael continues to use the example of Hitler when talking with the pupil?

19. How do you view the pupil? If a friend of yours asked what this pupil was like, what would you say?

20. In the end of part 2 the pupil comes to the realization that the people of his culture, our culture, have no creation myth. I this is true what consequences do you think there are for this? Is it truly important that a culture have a creation myth?

Please answer these fully and in complete sentences? Also, be ready to discuss the novel on Monday in small groups. Bring your questions, concerns, and deep thoughts...just don't hurt yourself...ha...

Remember to begin to work on your project (due on Wednesday September 16)...PEACE OUT...

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