Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What do we know anyway?

Hi gang,

First of all, I would like to apologize for my tone with some of you in class. I found myself very frustrated with the fact that many of you did not turn in work on time. However, as I took a step back and a breather, I realized I was only getting worked up because I allowed it to get me worked up. I realize we are all busy with a lot of school work and tasks going on and it's important that we all try not to let it get to us - otherwise the stress will eat at you, like a virus...and now, I'm babbling.

On that note, please turn in your work as soon as possible. If you know you will not meet a deadline, come see me much before class time and let's chat. I'm open to assist you however I can and if extra time is what you need, we can do that. But, I do ask of you - out of respect for what I do - to see me before class time to discuss this issue.

On Thursday I hope to continue one-on-one conferences with you about your essays. You will have some individual down time. I will ask you to please bring in your November 30 book-talk book to read. (See here if you have no idea of what I'm talking about) I may also play a segment of a movie that relates to Philosophy, but I haven't yet decided on that. If you have an idea, holla at me.

I hope this blog finds you well and at peace and with no stress. See you Thursday and please bring you book talk book to class!


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