Monday, October 19, 2009

there are ethics involved here...

Hey gang,

Here's a timeline for the week:

-Wednesday: I will return 3rd essay drafts. You will make final adjustments and hand in the final on Friday!!!!

-Friday: In class we will wrap up our study of philosophy. I will give you some info on aesthetics.

Also, on Wednesday we will finish the movie The Shawshank Redemption. I'm curious about your thoughts, opinions, reactions to the movie. Post a comment on this blog.

Next, you will research a recent sports news item. This is about a conservative radio host who expressed interest in buying an American football team. Because of his political beliefs he received wide criticism.

First, research Wikipedia about Rush.

Then, check out the following articles covering the story.


On loose-leaf paper:

1 - Discuss the situation. What sides are there?

2 - Share your ethical opinion.

Please do this in paragraph form.

See you in class on Wednesday!!


  1. About the movie. Up to now, I think it's a great movie. I'm really enjoying it. It is a bit troubling though, to think that someone (Brooks in this case) can spend so much time in jail that they start to like it and do not want to get out. I don't see that happening to me, in fact it's even hard to imagine spending a year or 3 years in jail. Especially in that one


  2. hey,
    I really like this movie so far and I can't wait to see what's goning to happen now that we know he is innocent. At the beggining of the movie I had the feeling that Red (I'm not sure about the name) was kind of like Morrie in the other movie, because he was the narrator and he seemed wise. But after a while I strated to see that the "teacher" was actualy more Andy then him. So I thought it was interesting how thoses roles were kind of switched.

    Cloe =]

  3. I really liked the movie. By now I already watched the end of the movie, and so I know how it ends, and I really liked the ending. i really like the story, and there's some really realistic points of view in the movie. For example Brooks who hung himself because he was scared of the outside world, because most of his life, he lived between walls. I found this movie to be very interesting and I really like the main character and Red, because they both seem very wise in other ways.



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