Monday, October 19, 2009

there are ethics involved here...

Hey gang,

Here's a timeline for the week:

-Wednesday: I will return 3rd essay drafts. You will make final adjustments and hand in the final on Friday!!!!

-Friday: In class we will wrap up our study of philosophy. I will give you some info on aesthetics.

Also, on Wednesday we will finish the movie The Shawshank Redemption. I'm curious about your thoughts, opinions, reactions to the movie. Post a comment on this blog.

Next, you will research a recent sports news item. This is about a conservative radio host who expressed interest in buying an American football team. Because of his political beliefs he received wide criticism.

First, research Wikipedia about Rush.

Then, check out the following articles covering the story.


On loose-leaf paper:

1 - Discuss the situation. What sides are there?

2 - Share your ethical opinion.

Please do this in paragraph form.

See you in class on Wednesday!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What do we know anyway?

Hi gang,

First of all, I would like to apologize for my tone with some of you in class. I found myself very frustrated with the fact that many of you did not turn in work on time. However, as I took a step back and a breather, I realized I was only getting worked up because I allowed it to get me worked up. I realize we are all busy with a lot of school work and tasks going on and it's important that we all try not to let it get to us - otherwise the stress will eat at you, like a virus...and now, I'm babbling.

On that note, please turn in your work as soon as possible. If you know you will not meet a deadline, come see me much before class time and let's chat. I'm open to assist you however I can and if extra time is what you need, we can do that. But, I do ask of you - out of respect for what I do - to see me before class time to discuss this issue.

On Thursday I hope to continue one-on-one conferences with you about your essays. You will have some individual down time. I will ask you to please bring in your November 30 book-talk book to read. (See here if you have no idea of what I'm talking about) I may also play a segment of a movie that relates to Philosophy, but I haven't yet decided on that. If you have an idea, holla at me.

I hope this blog finds you well and at peace and with no stress. See you Thursday and please bring you book talk book to class!
