Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Study Guide Questions - Chapter 13 - Apartheid

Here are some study guide questions for chapter 13 "Apartheid". Remember, your test is on Thursday next week - April 29! Also, your project is due the following Monday.

1. What is apartheid?
2. How is Heather affected by this system?
3. What does it mean to be charged with being coloured?
4. What evidence or clues do the Race Classification Board use to determine a person's race? Discuss Petra's examination. How was she treated and how does she react? Are you surprised by these actions?
5. How is Detleef van Doorn similar/different from his ancestors Wilhem and Adriaan? What do you think they would say to their descendant?
6. Where are Bantu, Indians, and Coloureds moved to and why?
7. How did languages change in mines?
8. What would Shaka's friend Nxumalo say now to Jonathan?
9. What was the purpose of BOSS and how did they operate?
10. What was the purpose of Robben Island?
11. Was the system set up to fill Robben Island? Was Daniel Nxumalo more wise than Matthew Magubane for having avoided jail?
12. Reread the end on page 1116 - How is apartheid essentially justified to the Afrikaner leadership?

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