Monday, January 25, 2010

After the Iowa Caucus...

Hi gang,

We discussed chapter 5 - Opportunity - and began the movie "By the People". We will continue to watch and read about Obama on Wednesday.

We have watched through the Iowa Caucus, which is the first election day to vote for Democratic candidancy. This is not the Presidential election, yet. This movie documents the campaign trail through his eventual election as 44th President of the United States.

I want you to write a 1-1.5 page essay on the following two questions/thoughts/ideas from the movie.

1) Does Obama warrant (deserve) all of the hype, attention, adoration that he receives? Or, does he happen to be in the right place (a polarized and frustrated America) at the right time? What insight does this documentary give you into the world of the campaign trail?

2) During several interviews bystanders were asked if they thought Obama could be the next president. Many replied that, "America is not ready." What does this mean exactly? Why might they say this? What is your reaction to this idea that America is not ready.

Please remember that your essays should be free of error. Please proof read your work. Do not turn in an essay with careless errors. Please write in 12 font, Times New Roman style, single spaced, no funky margins. Also, be prepared to discuss chapter 6 of Audacity of Hope.

See you Wednesday!

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