Wednesday, December 9, 2009

For break my mind awaits, but still, there's work...

Hi gang,

That's right, you read correctly - that line is written in iambic pentameter style - da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum - with 10 syllables.

And, it's true we are all ready for a break. And, we all deserve a break. Let's finish with a bang, not a flop. We still have 5 tasks to complete!

1) You will present your play parts on Friday December 11!

2) You should turn in your reflection paper no later than Friday December 11!

3) We will finish reading Macbeth. This will happen probably on Tuesday December 15. We will also finish Polanski's movie on Tuesday. I suggest you read the modern English version (see sparknotes) ahead of time if you have trouble understanding the language.

4) You will write your own sonnet - same style as Shakespeare - in iambic pentameter, 14 lines, same rhyme scheme. This should be turned in on Thursday December 17!

5) You will have one more informal essay on Shakespeare's Macbeth - you will have 4 options:

-Is Macbeth a moral play? Does it teach a lesson? If so, what is it?

-Shakespeare uses a technique called elision in which certain key events take place off stage (ex. Duncan's murder, the battle scene). Why might have Shakespeare used this? What are the advantages/disadvantages of using this?

-Who is the hero of the play? Is there one? Is Macbeth the villain? Discuss.

-Do the aparitions, the witches trick Macbeth? Are Macbeth's actions his fault or were they caused because of something greater than him?

This final paper should be 1-1.5 pages in length, 12 size, Times New Roman font, single spaced. Use text support when needed.

Finish up the year with a bang, folks. Next Thursday you will receive your winter reading - Obama's Audacity of Hope.


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