Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The man who knows don't tell and the man who tells don't know...

Hi gang,

For homework I want you all to read Spike Lee's script from pages 44 to 74. The page number is to the far right of the page. It begins right after the racial slur montage and ends just before the hot city night montage. In these scenes the people are still affected by the heat of the day and Mookie visits his girlfriend Tina. We will watch most of these scenes in class and then we will continue our reading of the remainder of the movie.

The website is here

Please be prepared as we will not reread this part in class. Also, your poetry is due tomorrow.

See you in class!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is Hip Hop, really?

Hi gang,

I'm proud of the hard work many of you put into your project and papers and assessments for our unit on The Covenant. It was indeed a difficult book to get through. If you would like to offer feedback on how I could be a better teacher with the unit of study, I encourage your feedback. I will probably ask many of you individually about this.

On to the next one: So, I'm all about breaking down stereotypes, misconceptions, incorrect histories, and false media. And one genre (as this is a genre studies class) that is certainly challenged in many ways is Hip Hop. For this unit we are going to be studying this cultural movement in 3 parts - one part musical, one part poetry, one part movies and screenplays. We will spend about one week on each part.

Up first is Hip Hop music. In class on Friday we will first analyze what is a genre and how do we (and our minds) categorize, judge, consider genres. Then we will break down the origins of Hip Hop (or rap) music and characteristics of this genre.

Tonight, I want you to view at least the first part of Lil Wayne's documentary entitled "The Carter". (Viewer discretion advised - there is some cursing and overall "bad swagger" - stop watching, please, whenever you want)

I want you to post a few comments, thoughts on the following questions:

Is this Hip Hop? If it is, what are some characteristics of Hip Hop that you recognize in viewing this clip? If it is, how might this genre, then, be considered by fans/musicians in other musical genres? If it is not, why not? What is disturbing/surprising/inspiring/disheartening/unique/moving about this? Does this clip show Hip Hop as a revolution? Is Hip Hop a revolution?

(I realize I have posted quite a few questions in a kind of stream of conscious manner - choose one or two to post a comment on)

I decided to show a clip of Lil Wayne first, as you all - I am certain - know who he is. His music has reached youth in several genres, cultures, language zones. I am not declaring that he is or is not Hip Hop, rather I want us to share some of our thoughts with what is familiar with us first.

Next, I want you to check out this music video:

This is a music video of Eric B. & Rakim's "I ain't no Joke". This song came out in 1986. What are your thoughts about Hip Hop music in watching this video.

In class on Friday and next Tuesday we have a lot of Hip Hop to listen to, so loosen your sneakers and pull your hats backwards. See you Friday!