Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thrilled, Filipino style...

Hi knuckleheads,

I apologize for not posting this yesterday, however, the "network" was "down" at school. It's funny how vocabulary meaning changes. I've never seen this "network", but apparently it is now lower than usual. It's funny, too, how much we rely on this "network" to do work. It's like we are all prisoner to the "network"...fight the "network", man, yeah...and, I'm rambling...

Here is your paper topic, due by next Friday - you may submit it via email or simply hand me a hard copy:

“The time comes in the life of any nation when there remains only two choices – submit or fight…” – Nelson Mandela

Discuss how this quote relates to the people, the cultures, the history of the region explored in Michener’s The Covenant.

You should support your ideas, concepts (thesis, if you will) with text. Perhaps you explore a character or two, or, perhaps, you explore a group of people, or, perhaps, you explore an event from the novel. This should be written 1.5 - 2 pages in length, single spaced (yeah, I do know the difference), 12 size, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins...

This is due no later than next Friday. I realize we have a field day on Thursday, but you can email me your work any day before Friday. No knuckleheads!!!