Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mr. President...

Hi-D-ho! (alluding to South Park)

We are wrapping up our unit on Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope. For you formal essay assignment you will write a personal (but formal) letter to the President of the United States. In this letter you will introduce yourself, discuss your priorities, opinions, beliefs, share your thoughts and opinions of his book and his policies, and highlight any pressing questions, suggestions, hopes, fears, dilemmas, problems - that you may have. Granted President Obama may not be the president of your country, but he is most definitely a figure of considerable stature and influence in and around our world. Remember this.

Also, keep in mind that February is Black History month in the United States and that as a class we are reading Douglass' Narrative of a Slave's life.

This should be between 3 and 5 pages in length - double space, 12 font, Times New Roman. Include his address at the beginning of the letter as we discussed in class.

Your rough draft is due on Monday! I will conduct one-on-one conferences with each of you to discuss your writing.

We will send these to the President!!! (So, no pressure, ha!)

You can find the formal writing rubric here.

Please have your rough draft finished and be ready to discuss your work on Monday!
