Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moodle muddles my mind...

Foul is fair and fair is foul...

Man, moodle be trippin'...In past Moodle-Philen battles, Moodle has always prevailed. And, today folks, Moodle prevailed once again.

I need some serious Jappale with Moodle...So, here are you essay topics:

1) Discuss how Shakespeare sets the tone in Act one.


2) By the end of Act 1, who has "control" of the plot? Is it Lady Macbeth? the witches? the king? Macbeth? Fate? Who do you think Shakespeare would want us to believe has control? (The movie and my preaching were quite different if you were close attention this was evident).


3) How do stage directions differ between movies and plays? Think about both movies and plays that you have seen. How would you change the play Act 1 of Macbeth to become a movie?

These short essays are due on Friday. They should be between 1 and 1.5 pages in length, 12 font size, Times New Roman font, single spaced. No late essays will be accepted.

I'm OUT!!!